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Publications: Discovering European Laboratory Schools

In this section you will find more outputs from the LabSchoolsEurope project and its team members.

In this book, educators and researchers from the LabSchoolsEurope project illustrate and elaborate on what it means to be a European Lab School. They present their schools and share how they bring the laboratory school framework to life while also taking individual needs, local conditions and the national policy-making environment into account.

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Contact: Benedict Kurz & Christian Timo Zenke

The Special Issue Doing Democratic Education in School and University is part of the series Forschungsperspektiven (Research Perspectives) of the University College of Teacher Education Vienna. This volume highlights democratic education as a task for schools and universities and aims at demonstrating a multi-perspective approach. In it, authors from across Europe share valuable insights and hands-on approaches that can inspire and motivate.

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Contact: Harald Knecht & Gabriele Kulhanek-Wehlend

Telling Stories About Teaching and Research is dedicated to sharing small anecdotes that illustrate the daily practices at each Lab School. Based on the educators’ personal experiences with teaching and research, this reader gives an insight into the positive experiences, fortunate events, oddities, and difficulties of being a part of a Lab School.

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Contact: Benedict Kurz & Christian Timo Zenke

The book Unleashing Children’s Voices in New Democratic Primary Education centres around the idea that children need to be able to actively participate in democratic solutions. To this end, this book includes concrete examples from professional educators and researchers across the globe who are demonstrating how primary schools can nurture the conditions for new democratic education through empowering educators’ and children’s voices and agency. Every school from the LabSchoolsEurope project contributed a chapter to this volume.

More info here

Contact: James Biddulph & Luke Rolls

Related publications from the LabSchoolsEurope team members:

Freke, N, & Zenke, C. T. (2022). Mitbestimmung von Anfang an. Pädagogik 10(12), 24–27. [Learn more]

Haag, P. (2021). Les lab schools: des écoles alternatives inspirées par la recherche. In F. Darbellay, Z. Moody & M. Louviot (Eds.), L’école autrement? Les pédagogies alternatives en débat (pp. 269-288). Editions Alphil (Presses universitaires suisses). [Download]

Haag, P., & Martin, M. (2021). Quels cadres théoriques pour penser le bien-être à l’école? L’exemple du projet pédagogique de la Lab School Paris. Sciences et Bonheur (6), 163–183. [Download]

Haag, P, Fantoni, T, & Dubal, S. (2022). Fostering Engagement, Reflexivity, and 21st-Century Skills in Middle School: A Pilot Collaborative Action Research on Identity Formation with Adolescent Co-Researchers. Journal of Intelligence 10(3), 64. [Download]

Haag, P., Martin, M., & Cummins, G. (2021). Connecting Well-Being and Academic Learning: From Theory to Practice at the Lab School Paris. IALS Journal, XI (1), p. 35-43 [Download]

Mandelícková, M. V. (2021). Demokratiepädagogik in Tschechien. Am Beispiel der Labyrinth-Schule in Brno. Lernende Schule, (93). [Learn more]

Kurz, B., Zenke, C. T., Beadle, K., Dieckmann, J. W., Hofmann, C. & Matthias, A. (2022). LabSchoolsEurope. Partizipative Schulforschung und Demokratiepädagogik in europäischen Laboratory Schools. In: Schule – Forschen – Entwickeln (1), 148–158. [Download]

Zenke, C. T. (2020). LabSchoolsEurope: Participatory Research for Democratic Education. In: IALS-Journal X (1), 40. [Download]

Zenke, C. T. (2020). Schule als Labor. Eine internationale Perspektive auf das Prinzip der „Laboratory School“. In WE_OS-Jahrbuch 2020, 175–184. [Download]

Zenke, C. T., & Kurz, B. (2021). School as an „experimental station”: Über das Prinzip der Laboratory School und seine Verbreitung in Europa. Bildung und Erziehung, 74 (1), 51-66. [Download]

Zenke, C. T. (2022). Die Schule als inklusive „Demokratie im Kleinen“? Zum Verhältnis von inklusiver Pädagogik und demokratischer Bildung. Zeitschrift für Inklusion 2022 (3). [Download]

Zenke, C. T. (2021). Die Schule als offenes Haus. Zum Verhältnis von Schularchitektur und Demokratiepädagogik. Lernende Schule, (93). [Learn more]