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Researching Schools: Bridging Research and Practice at Laboratory and University Schools 

  • Christian Timo Zenke opens the conference and presents the aims and results of the LabSchoolsEurope project

  • Gerhard Sagerer, Rector of Bielefeld University, welcomes the audience

  • Dame Alison Peacock from the Chartered College of Teaching in London introduces the conference theme „Bridging Research and Practice“

  • Professional moderator Matt Beadle leads the audience through the programme

  • Panel discussion with James Biddulph (University of Cambridge Primary School), Monika Mandelíčková (Labyrinth Laboratorni skola Brno), Richard Messina (JICS Lab School, University of Toronto), Annette Textor (Bielefeld University), and Pascale Haag (Lab School Paris / EHESS)

  • Elizabeth Morley, International Association of Laboratory Schools (IALS), speaks on the topic of „Lab Schools Internationally“

  • Drinks, candles and talks at the Conference Dinner in the Laborschule cafeteria

  • Rainer Devantié, headmaster of Laborschule Bielefeld, opens the second conference day

  • Annette Textor (Bielefeld University) and Jan Wilhelm Dieckmann (Laborschule Bielefeld) introduce Laborschule Bielefeld’s approach to bridge research and practice through its teacher-researcher-model

  • Manuela Burtscher-Ebner (Praxisvolkschule Vienna) and Alexander Hacker (Praxismittelschule Vienna) introduce the concept of democratic education at the Praxisschulen of the University of Teacher Education Vienna

  • Schools from ten countries presented themselves at the Poster Café on Friday morning allowing international educators to get in touch and exchange ideas

  • Workshop with Annette Textor (Bielefeld University) and Hella von Unger (Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München) on participatory research

  • To conclude the conference, Jana Chocholatá (Masaryk University Brno) and Elizabeth Morley (IALS) took a look into the future of Lab Schools

    On 8 and 9 September 2022, the final conference of the LabSchoolsEurope Erasmus+ project took place in Bielefeld, Germany. 150 school leaders, educators and researchers from twelve countries came to this very first European conference for laboratory and university schools.

    The program included keynote lectures, school presentations, workshops and exchange forums. In addition to sharing the results of the LabSchoolsEurope project, educators and researchers from countries like Canada, the USA, Finland, Puerto Rico and Denmark gave insights into their schools and their approaches for bridging school research and school practice. The conference laid the foundation for the future collaboration between laboratory and university schools in Europe and beyond.

    More than twenty schools from around the world participated in the Researching Schools Conference. Here you can download their posters from the conference’s poster café.

    The Researching Schools conference is kindly funded by the European Commission.

    If you have any questions, please send us an email: