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School Assembly: Creating a sense of belonging

What & why?

The buzzword of democratic education is omnipresent. School should address social issues and teach basic democratic values such as tolerance, understanding and the ability to compromise. According to the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, children should be prepared for a responsible life in a free society in a spirit of understanding, peace and tolerance.  It requires competencies such as respect and empathy, tolerance and determination, courage and prudence, the ability to cooperate and a willingness to take responsibility.

The Austrian Federal Constitution also contains the basic values that are important for democratic education: „Democracy, humanity, solidarity, peace and justice as well as openness and tolerance towards people are basic values of the school.” In cooperation with students, parents and teachers, children should be given the best possible opportunity to develop into healthy, self-confident, happy, achievement-oriented, dutiful, musical and creative people. They should be able to take responsibility for themselves, their fellow human beings, the environment and future generations, based on social, religious and moral values.